- To comply with the national OHS legislation and the terms of organizations that it is a member of.
- To comply and ensure the updating of national environmental legislation.
- To ensure constant, measurable improvement in all aspects of environment.
- To identify environmental aspects, environmental impact types and damages.
- To minimize pollution and waste and to dispose of hazardous waste by minimizing environmental impact.
- To constantly train employees and suppliers and promote the implementation of these principles.
- To identify objectives and goals in this regard, review annually and declare advancements.
- To implement and develop our Environmental Management Systems and OHSAS 18001 Occupational Health and Safety System with constant improvement.
Our objectives and goals to keep our principles in effect:
- To fully record accidents and near-miss events and take necessary measures.
- To minimize, to the extent possible, the consumption of materials resulting in hazardous waste.
- To minimize pollution and waste.
- To train employees and inform suppliers.
- To increase the efficiency of energy use.
- To ensure the proper disposal of hazardous wastes resulting from our activities and products.
- To identify recyclable waste and classify into suitable containers to increase the amount of recycling.